Young Adults
Young Adults study (Age 16+) God’s Redemption Story
Starting Monday 9th September, weekly (7:45-9:15pm)
This study traces the themes of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration throughout the Bible, exploring God’s work of redemption in the past, present and future. Whether you are learning about Jesus for the first time or have known Him for decades, this study will give you a closer look at how God, our ultimate Redeemer, is reconciling all things to Himself.
Get more details of what this study is about and to order your copy of the study please click here.
Please email Derek office@preceptscotland.org to register. Under 18’s need Parental/Guardian consent to take part.
Precept Upon Precept Training
PUP Isaiah Part 1 | Thursday 5th September 2024 (Introduction)
Thursday 12th September 2024 (Lesson 1), then fortnightly (3-4.30pm)
Isaiah is the crown jewel of Old Testament prophets, a book that strikes awe in the heart of its reader. Prophecies from Isaiah are mentioned in twenty-two places in the Gospels, Acts, and Romans. The words of Isaiah were often found on the lips of the Christ, the Messiah prophesied in Isaiah. Meet the Holy One of Israel, and learn how He deals with those who claim Him as God but don’t honour Him as God in the way that they live.
PUP workbooks require approximately 5 hours of self-discovery study be completed before each discussion meeting.
Get your copy of the PUP study by clicking here.
Email Derek office@preceptscotland.org with your full name and “PUP Isaiah 1” to receive information and Zoom details.
New Inductive Study Series (NISS)
Reaching Men | NISS: Standing Firm In These Last Days (1&2 Thess)
6 meetings, once a month starting Saturday 2 November 2024 (8.30-10.45am)*
Jesus is coming soon! Does that fill you with joy or fear – or a little of both? Do you wonder how you should order your life in light of His coming? First and Second Thessalonians will show you how to order your life in the light of Christ’s imminent return. The study is practical, applicable and transferrable. We’ll be studying the book of 1 Thessalonians in the New Inductive Study Series (NISS) book called “Standing Firm In These Last Days”. The NISS series is perfect for small groups and 1:1 discipleship and is a Level 2 Precept Study.
The cost of the course for joining online is £5.50 for the book plus P&P. However we do have 11 copies of these books which have been reduced to £3.50 as the very edges of the book pages are slightly discoloured but the insides are not affected. These discounted books can be found by clicking here.
* Other dates for the meetings: 30 Nov 24; 2025 – 25 Jan; 22 Feb; 29 Mar; 26 Apr.
Get more details of what this study is about and to order your full priced copy of the study by clicking here. Discounted books can be found by clicking here.
email Derek office@preceptscotland.org with your full name and “NISS Standing Firm” to receive information and Zoom details.
40 Minute Study (Level 1)
Men’s Zoom Bible Study | 40Minute: Rising to the Call of Leadership
6 meetings, weekly, starting Thursday 9th January 2025 (7.30-9.15pm)
God calls men to positions of leadership and influence in their homes, communities, churches and ultimately the world. But true leadership means living a life worth following.
Learn from leaders of Israel: Eli; Samuel; Saul and David.
Explore key leadership principles, including how to make wise decisions under pressure, deal effectively with mistakes, and set a course that others will follow.
Cost is £5.50 for the book plus P&P. Get more details of what this study is about and to order your copy of the study here
Email Derek in the office (office@preceptscotland.org) with your full name and “40M Leadership NW” to receive Zoom details.

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Precept Ministries Scotland
Scottish Charity No: SC039093
7 Westpark Gate, Saline
Dunfermline, KY12 9US