Lightning/ Discovery Studies
You'll be amazed at the fresh insights you can discover, even in familiar and much-loved Bible passages, using the inductive study method. A great place to start is to tackle a 'Lightning or Discovery study', which take 10-15 minutes to complete.
If you need help with these Lightning/ Discovery Studies or the Inductive Bible Study Method then please just click here to watch a video of Molly Watts Precept UK Director who will take you through a LS on Luke.
To try a Lightning or Discovery study out for yourself, add the study or studies of your choice to the cart, download then print it off (most of the studies fit on one side of A4-sized paper, though a couple require two sides), and follow the instructions - and, if you would like to talk it through, please contact us and we will be pleased to help.
You can find out more about Inductive Study by clicking here!