Precept Upon Precept (PUP) - Leader Guides

To access free pdf downloads of these Precept Upon Precept (PUP) Leader Guides, simply add the items you require to the Shopping Cart. (These leader guides apply to both NASB and ESV PUP & In Out Studies).
Please note:
- These Leader Guides are intended for use by PUP study group leaders who have completed formal leader training - if you have not completed this training, we request that you do not download these resources.
- You will not be able to access the downloads area until AFTER the checkout process is complete - THEN visit the Account Downloads page (My Account > My Orders > Downloads) and click on the blue Download icon:
To download a pdf of the 1st Lesson of a PUP workbook, simply click on the Take a Look Inside icon, which you will find towards the bottom of each PUP workbook product description: