LEVEL 4 - "In & Out" (I&O) - streamlined PUP-level Bible studies

About this Series
Do you want to Go Deeper, but don't have sufficient time for Precept Upon Precept? In & Out (I&O) inductive Bible study workbooks provide a streamlined approach to the same material as the equivalent Precept Upon Precept studies, but require fewer hours of study.
The In & Out (I&O) series features the same easy-to-follow daily format as Precept Upon Precept, and includes 'Observation Work Sheets' of the Bible text being studied. The workbooks are A4 in size, loose-leaf with pre-drilled holes, so you will also need a 2-ring or, better still, 4-ring A4 ring binder - and, ideally, an Inductive Study Bible and some marking pens! Optional companion CD/mp3 and DVD lectures are also available (these are the same as the Precept Upon Precept CD/mp3/DVD lectures). Precept Upon Precept Leader Guides are also suitable for use with the In & Out study series.
We warmly recommend leaders of groups using In & Out studies to attend our Basics of Precept Upon Precept 1‑day training workshop - though this is not a mandatory pre-requisite!
In & Out workbooks are now available in two translations:
- the New American Standard Bible (NASB) version and the English Standard Version (ESV).
Both versions have the same front covers labelled NASB or ESV but, with the exception of minor edits, the contents are otherwise identical with the previous NASB version.
Please note:
- In & Out workbooks and CD/mp3/DVD discs are specifically excluded from our Returns Policy. This is because these resources are printed/duplicated to order, rather than being held in stock - so, be sure to order accurately!