• Lord, Only You Can Change Me

A Devotional Study on Growing in Character from the Beatitudes

Can God Really Change You from the Inside Out? Yes! Who are you...on the inside? Are you growing into the image of Christ? Or are you far from being all you want to be in the Lord? If you've ever wondered how you can truly change, now there's hope. Jesus invites you to stop trying to develop godliness through your own efforts and to start relying on the indwelling Holy Spirit. That's the way to a deep, rich, honest relationship with your heavenly Father. That's the way to become godly to the core.

In Lord, Only You Can Change Me Kay Arthur guides you through the Beatitudes so you can begin living a truly transformed life. Her in-depth study of the Sermon on the Mount will minister to you in intimate ways. And these are truths you can share easily with others, individually or in small groups.

Click here to download a sample portion of Lesson 1 (pdf)

9 lessons, 271 pages, softcover, 152 x 225mm.

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Lord, Only You Can Change Me

  • Product Code: 21382
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £8.00